Pokemon Go


With a team of four I programmed a Vue Js application based on Pokemon Go as part of my studies. It is possible to view Pokemons in the environment and then share them with other users in a kind of Pokedex. The application is based on the frameworks Vue.js and Java Spring Boot. In the course "Advanced Web Programming" we implemented the frontend and in the course "Business Application Development" we implemented the backend of the app. For the implementation of the interactive map, on which users can view the Pokemon, we used the API provided by Google. The app locates the user's location and allows them to enter exact Pokemon sightings on the map. Generally, only logged in users are allowed to create new entries. Sightings, on the other hand, can be viewed by all visitors of the site. In this project I made my first experience with the Vue.js framework and integrated Android's material design into a project for the first time.


#Java Spring Boot  




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