Fitnessapp Ionic


I developed this project together with my fellow student and friend Armin Novacek as a project for the master class Mobile in the first semester of my master studies.The idea for this project was born out of our motivation and joy for fitness sports. 

The app is aimed at an advanced audience who wants to keep an eye on the progress of their workout. The user is able to create a playlist of workouts. These workouts then contain the exercises to be completed. When starting a playlist, the user can now enter and save their current workout values such as weight, reps and sets.

The app itself was implemented with Ionic and Angular, the backend with Node.js, Express.js and TypeORM. Due to display issues of the app on older Android versions, we decided to re-develop the frontend of the app again using React Native. This is still a work in progress.








Github Github
Illustrator Illustrator
Photoshop Photoshop
Postman Postman
VS Code VS Code